Chill bro.
This competition is all about fun with three-person teams.
Chill bro.
This competition is all about fun with three-person teams.
Select and event see where you stack up.
Five workouts will stoke your five for teamwork and competition.
The first workout drops May 12.
RX |
Must be able to snatch Must be able to clean & jerk Overhead Squat (135/95) Deadlift (135/95) Shoulder to Overhead (135/95) Single Kettlebell Movements (53/35) Single Dumbbell Movements (50/35) Wall Ball (20/14) Double-Unders Toes to Bar Pull-Ups Pistol Squats |
scaled |
Must be able to snatch Must be able to clean & jerk Overhead Squat (115/75) Deadlift (115/75) Shoulder to Overhead (115/75) Single Kettlebell Movements (35/26) Single Dumbbell Movements (35/20) Wall Ball (20/14) Single-Unders Knees Above Parallel Jumping Pull-Up Pistol Squats on a Plyo Box (24"/20") |
Masters |
Must be able to snatch Must be able to clean & jerk Overhead Squat (115/75) Deadlift (115/75) Shoulder to Overhead (115/75) Single Kettlebell Movements (35/26) Single Dumbbell Movements (35/20) Wall Ball (20/14) Double-Unders Toes to Bar Pull-Ups Pistol Squats on a Plyo Box (24"/20") |
Complete Relay Style for Time
30 Calorie Row
20 Kettlebell Swings
12 Kettlebell Box Step Overs
20 Single Kettlebell Hang Cleans
Final score is the time completed.
Time Cap: 14 Minutes
Division Standards:
RX: Kettlebell (53/35), Box Step Overs (24”/20”)
Scaled: Kettlebell (35/26), Box Step Overs (24”/20”)
Team Flow:
With a 14 minute time cap, each athlete on the 3-person team will work one at a time, relay style. The team can choose the order in which the athletes will complete the workout. On the call of go - athlete 1 will start on the 30 calorie row while the other two athletes rest, the athlete will continue to work on the 30-12-20 reps. Once the rep scheme is complete, athlete 2 will start on the 30-20-12-20 reps, continuing on until all the athletes are complete or the time cap is reached.
Event 2 has 3 parts
On an 18 minute time clock, each athlete on the 3-person team will have 6 minutes to complete a workout for max load.
6 Minutes to Establish a Max 1 Hang Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch
6 Minutes to Establish a Max 1 Clean + 2 Front Squats + 1 Jerk
6 Minutes to Establish a Max 1 Clean & Jerk
Division Standards
Male Standards - Must utilize a 45lb barbell with clips
Female Standards - Must utilize a 35lb barbell with clips
Scoring Standards
Each athlete on the team will receive individual scores for their completed portion of the workout.
Event 2 total score is the sum of each individual's score for their portion of the event (A, B, or C).
Team Flow
With an 18 minute time cap, each athlete on the 3-person team will have 6 minutes to complete a workout for max load. The team can choose who completes what lift, but the order of the lifts will be completed as written above. On the call of go - athlete 1 will have 6 total minutes to complete their heaviest successful lift. Once the 6 minute clock is complete, the next 6 minute interval will begin. No transition time between the 6 minute intervals is permitted, it is a running clock.
Working in a Pair, Complete for Max Reps
Buy In (To Be Completed in Order)
Athlete 1 - 30 Toes to Bar
Athlete 2 - 30 Pistol Squats
In the Time Remaining, Max Reps Of:
Synchronized Single Dumbbell Devil’s Press
Time Cap: 6 Minutes
Division Standards
RX: Toes to Bar, Pistol Squats, Single Dumbbell Devil’s Press (50/35)
SX: Knees Above Parallel, Pistol Squats on a Box (24”/20”), Single DB Devil’s Press (35/20)
Scoring Standards
Final score is the total completed reps of synchronized dumbbell devil’s press
in the time remaining after the buy in is complete
Team Flow
With a 6 minute time cap, two athletes will pair up to complete this workout. This workout will be completed as a same sex pair, the team decides which athletes will complete the reps. One teammate will sit out of this workout and rest. On the call of go - athlete 1 will complete their 30 toes to bar, once completed athlete 2 will complete their 30 pistol squats. The athletes must complete all the reps of that movement, they cannot partition the reps at all, and are not allowed to tag in their teammate. Once the two buy in’s are complete, the pair will work to complete max synchronized reps of single dumbbell devil’s press - meeting at the bottom of the burpee & the top lock out of the overhead press.
Working in a Pair, Complete For Time
200 Double-Unders (SX Only: 300 Single-Unders)
75 Partner Wall Balls
50 Single Kettlebell Snatches
Time Cap: 8 Minutes
Division Standards
RX: Double-Unders, Partner Wall Balls (20/14), Single Kettlebell Snatches (53/35)
SX: 300 Single-Unders, Partner Wall Balls (20/14), Single Kettlebell Snatches (35/26)
Scoring Standards
Final score is the time completed for the team
Team Flow
With an 8 minute time cap, two athletes will pair up to complete this workout. This workout will be completed as a same sex pair, the team decides which athletes will complete the reps. One teammate will sit out of this workout and rest. On the call of go - athlete 1 will start on the double / single under reps. Athlete 1 is permitted to tag in athlete 2 at any point, this workout is split as desired. The athletes may partition the reps in the exercise ,but the exercises must be completed in the order as written above.
Event 5 has 3 parts
On a 9 Minute Clock, Complete For Time
3 Minute Time Cap
25 Deadlifts
25 Toes to Bar
3 Minute Time Cap
25 Overhead Squats
15 Burpees
3 Minute Time Cap
25 Shoulder to Overhead
15 Pull-Ups
Division Standards
RX: Barbell Loaded to 135/95, Toes to Bar, Pull-ups
SX: Barbell Loaded to 115/75, Knees Above Parallel, Jumping Pull-ups
Scoring Standards
Each athlete on the team will receive individual times for their completed portion of the workout. This event will have 3 scores for the team total.
Team Flow
With a 9 minute time cap, each athlete on the 3-person team will have 3 minutes to complete a piece workout for time purposes. The team can choose who completes what piece, but the order of the lifts will be completed as written above. On the call of go - athlete 1 will have 3 total minutes to complete their 50 total reps. Once the 3 minute clock is complete, the next 3 minute interval will begin. No transition time between the 3 minute intervals is permitted, it is a running clock.
The deadline to receive a free t-shirt with your registration is March 31st.
Registration closes on January 21st. No registration changes or updates can be made after April 21st.
We know things come up in life. That's why we've partnered with Fanshield to protect you when a problem arises that prevents you from attending the event. Just purchase the Fanshield protection when you register for the event and your registration cost is covered for many unforseen circumstances.
If you decline Fanshield protection and have to subsequently cancel, we cannot provide a refund.
Visit your local event registration page and click the “Leaderboard” tab.
Make sure to toggle between the selected format and division. Athletes do not need to be logged into their Conquest Events dashboard to view this information, it is public for everyone to view.
Once the event is complete, our team will upload all the scores from each host location to a nationwide leaderboard that will be available for athletes to review.
Athletes who register prior to March 31 receive a free t-shirt with your registration.
Athletes that sign up after the t-shirt deadline are welcome to purchase an event t-shirt on our website for an additional fee that will be shipped directly to your address. We cannot guarantee that the event t-shirt will be received by your scheduled event date.
Each athlete who competes receives a patch, a tshirt (if you registered by the shirt deadline), and 350 Again Faster Pursuit Points that can be redeemed for equipment discounts or products from our sponsors.
Athletes who podium at their local event will receive a flag marking their accomplishment.
Athletes who finish in the top 1%, 5%, or 10% against all athletes nationally, receive additional Again Faster Pursuit Points on the following schedule:
Top 1%: 1500 points
Top 5%: 500 points
Top 10%: 200 Points
You can update your athlete information, such as your best email address, affiliate, etc until April 21st by logging into your athlete dashboard on Conquest Events and click the “my profile” tab. No changes will be made once registration closes on April 21st, if there is an issue please email us directly at to resolve it.
Any t-shirt sizes changed after the March 31 t-shirt deadline will not be reflected when picking up your event t-shirt at check in.
Athletes are permitted to swap out their teammates until April 21st, which is the registration deadline. Once this date passes, we cannot make any changes to your registration. If an athlete needs to swap out their teammate they cannot update their registered format and/or division. If further changes need to be made, please email us directly at to see if we can accommodate your request.
Heat schedules are generated after registration closes and will be posted on Conquest Events by April 28.
Visit the event you registered for on Conquest Events after April 28 and click "Schedule" to view the schedule.
Each location will vary based on the length of the event, how many registered athletes there are, and the structure of the heat schedule but will follow a similar format. Your local gym host will provide information as the event approached.
Doors will open at a certain time in the morning and there will be a block of time that athletes must check in. Once check in closes, no additional athlete check ins will be accepted. Once check in is complete, each location will break down movement standards for the workouts.
You can review the movement standards in advance in the workout section above by clicking "Movement Standards."
At the event, movement standards will be broken down one of two ways:
All athletes must be on the floor for movement standards. You can also review the movement standards in advance on our website above.
We would love for you to volunteer or judge and we definitely appreciate your help to put together a great event for the registered athletes!
To register as a judge or volunteer, simply find your local event on Conquest Events, select "Register," and check the box "Would you like to help with our evetnt?"
Judges will receive an event t-shirt if they sign up before the t-shirt deadline on March 31th.
Even if you're not ready to compete, you can still participate.
Complete the following appliation form, and we'll alert you to volunteer opportunities for events in your area.